2023 Poll Worker Compensation and Requirements


Poll workers and absentee clerks will be paid $11.00 per hour (state minimum wage). Poll supervisors/sheriffs will receive an additional $0.50 per hour. An election official may work as a volunteer without pay if they sign an affidavit stating they do not want compensation or reimbursement. [A.C.A. § 7-4-112(a)(c)] Overtime pay must be pre-approved by Faulkner County election staff. Poll workers must complete their own timesheets and sign the oath to be paid. Poll supervisors will sign off on timesheets and turn them in to county election staff.

Supply Pickup and Returning Election Night Results

Poll workers picking up supplies from the courthouse and bringing back returns on election night will be paid mileage at the county rate. [A.C.A. § 7-4-112(b)] They will also be paid a $25 stipend. Only one poll worker per vote center will be paid for supply pickup and mileage reimbursement. To receive mileage reimbursement, the poll worker must submit a mileage form.

Vote Center Set-Up

Poll supervisors or designated poll workers will be paid $11.50 per hour for set-up for a maximum of 2 hours. Set-up must be completed by the day before voting starts. Only two poll workers per vote center will be reimbursed.

Early Vote Hours

On the first day of early voting, workers may be paid 60 minutes before poll opening and 15 minutes after poll closing. On all following days, poll workers may be paid 15 minutes before opening to 15 minutes after poll closing. Faulkner County Library vote center is allowed up to one hour to close on the last day of early voting.

If extended time is necessary, county election staff must approve it. If voters are in line after closing, poll workers must contact the courthouse.

Election Day Hours

Workers will be paid starting at 6:30 am and will not be paid past 8:30 without approval from county election staff. If voters are in line after closing, workers must contact the courthouse.


County election staff will coordinate poll worker schedules. The Election Commission must approve all poll workers. County election staff must approve all scheduling changes. There must always be at least 4 poll workers at a vote center. Poll workers must stay at the site at all times unless there is an emergency. Please make plans to bring your lunch or have it delivered to the site. Poll workers are paid through lunch and breaks.

Poll workers may work a split shift. If workers split a shift, there will be no overlap in pay. For example, if you leave at 1:00, but your replacement arrives at 12:30, the replacement workers’ time will start at 1:00. County election staff must preapprove a split shift. If a vote center is busy and needs to overlap time, county election staff must approve it.


All poll workers must be trained within 12 months of the election they are working. [A.C.A. §§ 7- 4-107(b)(2); 7-4-109(e)(1)] For primary and general elections, if the poll worker passes the test following the basic training, the poll worker will be eligible to receive a $35 stipend. If the poll supervisor/sheriff passes the test following the advanced training, the poll supervisor/sheriff will be eligible to receive a $55 stipend. For all other elections, poll workers will be eligible to receive a $25 stipend.